Cancellations / Returns

  1. Can I cancel my order?
  2. You can cancel your order by filling up details on refund link.

You can cancel your order by sending a mail to You can also contact us at +91-11-45621252-53-54.

If you cancel your order before your product has been shipped, we will refund the entire amount.

You will immediately get an email regarding the cancellation. Your money would be refunded within 5-7 working days.

 If the product is already been shipped, we will deduct the shipping charges and refund the remaining amount.

Return and Refund Policy

  1. How and when will I receive the refund?
  2. If the payment is done via Credit card / Debit card / Net Banking then the money will be transferred back to your account. If your payment has been done via any other mode then we will need your bank details.The refund will be processed in 5-7 days after providing your bank details. You can use following link to refund to cancel your order.


  1. Where do I send the product for return?
  2. The product should be sent to our warehouse. Please call our helpline +91-11-45621252-53-54 for details.


  1. Can I return the product if I don't like it?
  2. Yes .You can return the product along with the original box and packing with all its contents within 7 days from date of delivery. However personalized (e.g. engraving or built to customized order) products cannot be returned.